I Prefer The Obscure Remix Blog

Stop it! You’re making me blush

It’s so nice to see all the kind words and comments about my blog. A big, warm thank you to all those who have taken the time to say something nice here, or on their own blogs. Thanks Sinead, Jim, Niall, Pedro, The Silent Radio Show, Red, Donagh and Conor, Donal, Damien, and anybody else I’ve forgotten. I started this blog for several reasons. 1 – I only started writing recently and I’d been really enjoying it, but then I had to write an article where I was practically told what to write (which I did NOT like), so this was a natural reaction. 2 – I eat, sleep, and breathe music. 3 – I made a conscious decision about a month ago, NOT to turn on the TV anymore. 4 – I’m a massive fan of music blogs, and learn so much from them.

It has been a really fulfilling experience for me, and it’s nice to see some people actually read or listen to what I have to say, whether they agree or not. But that’s the whole point isn’t it? To spark debate and dialogue on a subject that we all care for deeply, but in completely different ways. I think my better half would thank you all even more, now that she doesn’t have to listen to me rant about music so much anymore. A classic example being earlier tonight. The poor girl was barely in the door, bag still on her back, and I’m standing over the stereo throwing a tantrum because the new Neon Neon single sounds like Erasure. To which she replied, “you say that like it’s a bad thing!”. Legend!

So in the spirit of goodwill, I’d like to share something special with you all. The lovely people over at Ever Records were kind enough to give me a sneak preview of the video for the new Amiina single, Hilli. Anybody familiar with the album, or anyone who made it down to the Button Factory will know this one, but the single version is a little bit different, and special. The vocal was recorded by none other than the late, great Lee Hazelwood. Apparently it’s the fnal recording he ever made, and it’s a fitting tribute to a great talent. I hope you all enjoy it, and thanks once again.

November 8, 2007 Posted by | Amiina, Blogs, Hilli, Lee Hazelwood, Music | 6 Comments